
Category Archives for "Foods"

The Benefits of Virgin Coconut Oil

Coconut oil that is extracted from coconut through a complicated process without the application of heat is called virgin coconut oil or VCNO.  It is different from regular coconut oil in many ways, starting with the method of extraction.  It has a unique fragrance and taste and is rich in antioxidants, medium chain fatty acids (MCFA), […]

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  • Updated December 23, 2019
  • Foods

Soy: Does Soy Lower your Testosterone levels?

​You might’ve heard a lot about soy while growing up about how it is rich in protein and good for growth. But as you entered your adulthood, you certainly have come across warnings to minimize soy consumption for some reasons( such as infertility and low libido). Is there any harm in soy? Let’s find out. Quick […]

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  • Updated December 23, 2019
  • Foods

Nitric Oxide: Foods & Juices to Boost Nitric Oxide in Your Blood

​Nitric oxide (NO) is one of the important molecules for blood vessel health in the human body. It is a major vasodilator, i.e., it keeps blood vessels open and flowing. Medical practitioners have always prescribed nitroglycerin to patients with chronic chest pain. Nitric oxide is mostly good at preventing cardiovascular disease by improving the flow of […]

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  • Updated December 23, 2019
  • Foods

88 Foods that boost your testosterone levels naturally

​You might know all about testosterone and its functions. Otherwise, you wouldn’t have stumbled upon this article. You can’t consider yourself a man if you have no idea what testosterone is. Obviously, it’s the male sex hormone. But for those who are wondering what a decent amount of testosterone could do, here are some of […]

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  • Updated December 23, 2019
  • Foods

Nitrate Foods: The Food Sources That Are Rich In Nitrate

Before getting into the foods which are rich in nitrate, let’s take a quick glance at the benefits of nitrate. Nitrate is a polyatomic ion (covalent bond of nitrogen and oxygen) found in many sources in nature. When this nitrate enters the body, it increases the nitric oxide level in your body. Nitric oxide is […]

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  • Updated December 23, 2019
  • Foods

Does Brazil Nuts Boost Your Testosterone levels?

In the modern day there are a wide range of dietary choices available to help people regulate their testosterone levels. One may wonder whether taking in nuts could increase human metabolism and raise T levels to make them feel comfortable or even better. Many people are of the opinion that Brazil nut is the prominent […]

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  • Updated December 23, 2019
  • Foods