8 Habits That Increases Testosterone Naturally

Testosterone is one of the most powerful hormones which is produced by a male body in the testicles and is linked with the epitome of manhood (though women also have it in smaller amounts). The power of this super male hormone is of no wonder that it helps in increasing the muscle and burn fat […]

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SHBG: Natural Ways to Lower SHBG

​You might have a decent level of total testosterone. Unfortunately, that doesn’t mean all the testosterone in your body is functioning appropriately. You see, for testosterone (or any other sex hormone) to carry out its duties, it should be biologically active and be able to enter a cell and activate its receptors. However, these sex hormones […]

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The Effects Of Alcohol On Your Testosterone Levels

​You were enjoying your night having a glass of vodka with green chili and lemon until someone tells you about how it will affect your testosterone levels and you might not be able to produce any babies. You feel depressed, unable to throw the vodka through the window or drink it with full pleasure. You feel […]

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Testosterone And Muscle Building – How Is It Related To Each Other?

Testosterone is the most powerful and quintessential male hormone which plays a major role in building muscle mass. Maintaining the right testosterone levels is important for various benefits like overall well-being, increased libido, enhanced energy and also for potentially improved athletic performance. It is a super steroid hormone which help you in improving lean muscle mass as […]

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